Billing Brook School

The Ocean: 6th Form


 In all we do, our aim is to best prepare our students for their adult lives beyond Billing Brook

Our 6th Form, Ocean phase, is situated approximately 1 mile away from the main site. Students follow a Life Skills and Employability programme personalised to their needs and interests.

In the Ocean Phase, it becomes even more of a priority that students, as they approach adulthood, are prepared and ready for life beyond school. Through our curriculum, we support them to become confident individuals able to communicate effectively; promote healthy lifestyles and encourage them to be resilient individuals ready for a fulfilled life. We encourage them to be as independent as possible in making choices about their own lives.

Teaching and learning in the Sixth Form Centre is largely practical and links closely to real life experience. We ensure students have many opportunities to apply their skills as well as encouraging the development of new skills and interests.   

We aim for each student to leave having reached their full potential, for the stage they are at, having gained the appropriate skills and knowledge for their next steps into adulthood.   Our Preparation for Life Curriculum focusses on developing the functional skills needed to access the community; look after themselves in their home and beyond; to develop interests and hobbies as well as prepare them for work if this is possible. Students can earn accreditations in the Princes Trust Achieve Programme, English and Maths, as well as work towards achieving their Bronze or Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award.     

Our Sixth Form Centre consists of 4 flexible learning spaces/classrooms; a catering kitchen with dining area and courtyard; a horticulture area; a 1 bed flat complete with kitchenette, laundry facilities and a shower room. Wider learning happens beyond the confines of the Sixth Form Centre, as students venture out into the wider community.