The Governing Body takes a strategic role and acts as a critical friend to the school, challenges school leaders, holds leaders accountable for their decisions and ensures that the school meets its statutory responsibilities. It sets and reviews the aims and direction of the school; agrees and monitor policies, targets and priorities.
The Full Governing Body meet 6 times throughout the year and have a number of sub committees which meet regularly to monitor aspects of the school, challenge school leaders, discuss developments, plan for future opportunities and celebrate the many achievements of pupils and staff.
Mr Matthew Lister is the Chair of Governors and can be contacted by writing to him at the School Address. Please mark your letter Private and Confidential.
If you are interest of becoming a governor at our school, please click here.
Billing Brook School Academy Trust Documents
2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements
2022 Annual Report and Financial Statements
2021 Annual Report and Financial Statements