Billing Brook School

CHOICE Options

Ambitious for All, we believe that every student, regardless of their needs, should have equal life chances as they transition into adulthood. The curriculum supporting the options within KS4-5 at Billing Brook is one which is knowledge-rich, purposeful, and inspires, challenges, and nurtures all learners.

Through our CHOICE options we promote resilience and optimism, empowering students to reach their challenging goals and academic potential.  We also strive to eliminate gaps in prior learning, skills, and cultural capital. 

We provide a variety of opportunities to ensure that all students do more, know more, and remember more. 

By ensuring CHOICE through options we offer aspirational pathways accessible to all interests and abilities. 

Our curriculum enables all students to make a successful, safe, confident, and independent transition into adulthood.

Each of the options provided links with the preparing for adulthood areas; employment, independent living, community inclusion and health. 

Through the options we hope that students will:

•be exposed to opportunities for employment, as well as leisure

•have opportunities to support their physical and emotional health

•explore opportunities to be part of the community, and a sense of belonging

•gain skills for life.

CHOICE options may include (where required)

  • ESports
  • Hospitality
  • Catering
  • Digital skills
  • Cycling and Bike Maintenance
  • Construction
  • The World Around us 
  • History and times gone by 
  • My Adult life 
  • Horticulture